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Fillet O Miaow

100 g
99 100 g PMF3G100 PMF3G100
179 250 g PMF3G250 PMF3G250
329 500 g PMF3G500 PMF3G500
Product Details
  • Refrigerated (0-4°c) shelf-life, 7 days
  • Suitable for adult cats and dogs
  • Made from Fish, Apple, Egg, Pumpkin, Spinach
  • No grains
  • No soy
Nutrition (Values per 100g)
  • Energy 202 kcal
  • Protein 15.46 g
  • Fat 6.8 g
  • Fibre 4.19 g
  • Sodium 0.058 g
  • Moisture 67.09 g
What is benefit of pumpkin for my pet?

Pumpkin has a high water content, which can help keep your pets be hydrated, especially during hot weather or if they don't drink enough water.

How does the combination of fish and eggs help my pet?

Eggs and fish provide essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, and selenium, which support various bodily functions and contribute to your pet's overall well-being.