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Egg lil Millet

100 g
99 250 g PME1G250 PME1G250
189 500 g PME1G500 PME1G500
49 100 g PME1G100 PME1G100
Product Details
  • Refrigerated (0-4°c) shelf-life, 7 days
  • Suitable for adult cats and dogs
  • Made from Eggs, Egg Shell Powder, Carrot, Green Pea, Soy, Little Millet, Coconut Oil
  • Contains millet that helps regulate bowel movements & lowers cholesterol
Nutrition (Values per 100g)
  • Energy 144.09 kcal
  • Protein 16.29 g
  • Fat 4.21 g
  • Fiber 1.17 g
  • Sodium 0.066 g
  • Moisture 68.32 g
Are Eggs really good for pets?

Eggs are extremely nutrient-rich! They are rich in protein & healthy fats and also are very high on digestibility.

Is Millet really good for pets?

Yes! Millet is high in Phosphorus, Vitamin B & Iron. Phosphorus is essential for healthy bones. Iron helps maintains energy levels & overall health. While some pets thrive on grain-free diets, millet is a healthy source of carbohydrates for most dogs, and easier to digest than wheat.