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it’s a pawfect kind of love!

7 ways to say ‘I love you’ to your pooch!

April 18, 2021

Let’s be honest: Is there anything… ANYTHING in the world at all more precious than the bond you and your furbaby share? Can any other relationship match the pure love that exists between a parent and their doggo?

We doubt it.

Your dog is your BFF, your favourite companion, your child and also your partner-in-crime. Most of all, they’re the biggest giver of unconditional love to you!

And of course you love them back equally, possibly more. But do you tell them that?

No relationship should ever run out of enough ‘I love yous’. With dogs, there are endless ways to say those three magical words. Because love translates beyond words and barks.

Here are 7 easy ways to say ‘i love you’ to your pooch:

  1. Spend time together: sit, play, train. There’s nothing like a good hangout sesh to bond. (Our natural pet treats make for pawsome snacks at these moments.)
  2. Let the eyes do the talking. A loving gaze, an affectionate stare is all it takes to go a long way in building trust.
  3. Take walks together, whenever possible. (Pawfect tip: This old trick in the book works for all romances. *winky face emoji*)
  4. Read their expressions. Know the communication signals your dog uses - of anger, joy, fear - and respond aptly so they know you understand.
  5. Allow them to cuddle in your nook. During sleep or work, let them share space to make them feel welcome and wanted.
  6. Develop a routine, such as with training or sleep. It imparts a sense of comfort to them and something to look forward to with YOU.
  7. And finally, what better way into your dog’s heart than their stomach?

With Pawfectly Made meals, fresh in nutrition and best in taste, we are committed to the good health of your furbaby. Our customisable meaty recipes specially designed for the needs and likes of your pawfect pet ensure that pet love is always in the air!

Check out our affordable menu and order Pawfectly Made now for fresh pet food home-delivered free!

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